About Portugal
Advantages of Portugal Golden Residence Permit
- 居住環境舒適
葡萄牙位於歐洲大陸的西南盡頭,與西班牙接壤。當地人口約1028萬,人口密度比香港少244倍。境內環境優美,氣候宜人,西南部皆面相大西洋海岸,擁有不少度假勝地。而且,當地具濃厚的人文氣息和舒適的居住環境,都令人嚮往移民葡萄牙後的生活。 - 寬鬆葡萄牙移民政策
相對其他歐洲城市,葡萄牙投資移民的門檻相對較低,以及其後申請永久居民身份的條件也同樣寬鬆。加上,葡萄牙是歐盟國和申根國的成員之一,在成功移民葡萄牙並入籍後,申請人同時會成為歐盟公民。這都是令人選擇移民葡萄牙的原因之一。 - Low Resident Requirement
移民葡萄牙居住要求比較簡單。在新的葡萄牙移民政策下,移民葡萄牙條件亦較寬鬆。申請人可經任何一個申根國家入境,每年只需在葡萄牙逗留7日即滿足居住要求。 - Global Citizen Identity
With Portugal permanent residency, one can travel EU member countries freely, eg. France, Germany, Italy and Sweden…etc. Holder of Portugal Passport enjoy visa –free around 187 countries worldwide which is the second most convenient after Denmark. - Well-developed Education System
Portugal promotes both public and private education system. It provides 12 years free public education. A diverse culture of American and French style private education is offered in a lower cost compared to England and U.S. Some Private International school would offer A-Level or IB courses in only about 50% fee for similar course in China. Some of them also cooperate with colleague in England, France and Swiss in organizing bachelor degree work. - 稅務優惠
葡萄牙推出”NHR, Non-Habitual Residents Regime",即使在葡萄牙居住滿183天,成為稅務居民,亦可以連續10年獲免徵收全球所得稅。 - High Medical Standard
Well-developed overall medical system with high standard. Free medication and service provided by public hospital with a shorter queue time. Private hospital charged reasonable fee. According to World Health Organization (WHO) report in 2011, Portugal ranked 12 in the World Best Medical System. The average lifespan of Portuguese reaches 79.1 years old. - Favorable Public Order with low crime rate
Portugal is named as one of the safest countries in the world. - Multilingual Country
The official language is Portuguese, and most local residents are fluent in English, Spanish and French.
移民葡萄牙:黃金居留許可計劃 Golden Residence Permit Program
- 平均每年只需在葡萄牙居留7天
- 可帶同配偶、雙方父母及子女移民葡萄牙
- 投資額最低28萬歐元(約300萬港幣)
- 不設語言、學歷或工作經驗要求
- 5年後就可申請葡萄牙永久居留權及入籍
- 自由出入歐洲26個申根成員國
- 全球187個國家免簽證
- 商業用或內陸城市房產:最低50萬歐元
- 位於重建區,超過30年的商業用房產:最低35萬歐元
- 位於低密度地區,超過30年的房產:最低28萬歐元
- 向葡萄牙認可基金公司投資50萬歐元,並維持5年
- Purchase property value not less than €500,000 Or purchase property value not less than €350,000, for properties that were constructed more than 30 years ago or are located in urban areas
- Principal Applicant must be above the age of 18
- No record of criminal issues (No more than one year sentence is acceptable)
- Applicant must be non-European resident
- Your spouse
- Your unmarried child below age of 18
- dependent child of Principal Applicant
- dependent parents of Principal Applicant
- 1st-2nd Year: 14 days
- 3rd-4th Year: 14 days
- 5th-6th Year: 14 days
For Visa application:
- 2 copies of photos (35mm x 45 mm, white background with color painted)
- Passport
- Working Certificate Company
- Leave Letter
- Bank Bill of previous 6 months
- Household Booklet
- Invitation Letter
- Departure and return air ticket and Hotel Booking Confirmation
- Travel Insurance
For Golden Resident Permit application:
- Passport
- 出生證公證(附葡文翻譯,雙認證)
- 結婚證公證(附葡文翻譯,雙認證)
- 無犯罪記錄公證(附葡文翻譯,雙認證)
- 地址證明
- 工作收入證明
- 葡萄牙投資文件
- Portugal governmental education authorities’ qualification or certificate.
- Any qualifications or certificates issued by Portuguese Countries authorized educational constitution (should involve attending Portuguese course).
- Certificates from IEFP and other recognizing Portuguese Courses.
- Basic Portuguese language examination certificate issued by recognizable exam center of education department.
Common FAQ
1. | Q: | What are some examples of taxes Portugal collect? |
A: | Business Profit Tax: 21% Personal Profit Tax: 14.5% Value Added Tax: 28% in general |
2. | Q: | How can applicant handle the application if documents are only available in Chinese version? |
A: | 只需要在原居地公證處及葡萄牙領事館辦葡萄牙文譯本及認證文件。 | |
3. | Q: | 如果得到葡萄牙居留權後,投資價格下跌至少於50萬歐元,申請人需增加投資額以滿足移民葡萄牙申請的最低要求嗎? |
A: | 不需要,申請人只需投資時,價格達至50萬歐元或以上。另外,如投資者購買50萬歐元或以上的產品,必須支付首次最低金額的50萬歐元,其後可以用借貸或按揭的方法購買淨餘的金額價值。 | |
4. | Q: | How long does it take to apply the Golden Residence Permit? |
A: | 完成投資手續後,最快8-12個月取得居留身分。 | |
5. | Q: | Would properties renting out be taxed? |
A: | Yes, it accounts for 28% of rental income. | |
6. | Q: | Does Portugal collect Global Tax? |
A: | 非稅務居民無須繳交; 稅務居民(在葡萄牙住滿183天)須繳交,但可申請NHR稅務優惠 |
7. | Q: | Could the property used for mortgage? |
A: | Any property value over €500,000 can be used for mortgage. | |
8. | Q: | Is it required to live in Portugal after receive the permanent residency identity? |
A: | 只需在24個月內入境一次。 | |
9. | Q: | What is SchengenArea? |
A: | Schengen Area is formed under the confederation of SchengenAgreement. It consists of 26 European Countries including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Luxemburg, Netherland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Malta, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. SchengenArea not equals to European Union (EU). | |
10. | Q: | How to visit SchengenArea? |
A: | For China passport holder, applicant needs to execute a visa.ForHKSAR passport holder, it is visa-free. | |
11. | Q: | Could principal applicant purchase more than one property in order to reach the €500,000 limit? |
A: | Yes, as long as the total investment reach €500,000.For a property valued €1M. It can be used for two application of immigration investment. | |
12. | Q: | Is it needed to present the notarialcertificate of non-criminal if one is holder of other country’s identity card? |
A: | 如果在該地住滿一年或以上,便需呈交當地的無犯罪紀錄,並需作當地領事館認證及翻譯為葡文。 |